C-Section vs. Vaginal Birth: What is Better For You? (Pro & Cons)Posted byby Laura Davies 1 year ago5 minC-section rates are rising, but not just because of medical needs. More and more women are opting for surgery. Sometimes to avoid the side...
How to Tell Baby’s Position by KicksPosted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago5 minGetting your baby in the best position for birth will: So it’s important to know how your little one is lying as you approach...
Is It Bad to Squeeze Your Breasts During Pregnancy?Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago3 minBreast squeezing during pregnancy is a hot topic right now. Some women swear by it, and others say it comes with unnecessary risks. The...
No Period After Pregnancy? When to WorryPosted byby Stephanie Wright 2 years ago6 minA missed or irregular period is natural after pregnancy. It might be time to worry if you don’t get your period within two to...
7 Weeks Pregnant – Brown Discharge When I WipePosted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minAt seven weeks pregnant, you’ll be hypervigilant for any changes or unexpected symptoms. So if you notice brown discharge when you wipe, it can...
Dos and Don’ts Before Induction – What you need to know!Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago5 minLabor induction is an incredible process that can reduce the likelihood of a C-section and increase the chance of a safe delivery for both...
I Feel a Heartbeat in My Stomach – Am I Pregnant?Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minIf you’re trying for a baby, it’s natural to be hyper-alert to any changes in your body. One might be that you suddenly feel...
Does a Warm Bath Help Induce Labor?Posted byby Haley Burress 2 years ago4 minWhen you are approaching the end of your pregnancy or have passed your due date, you might look for any way to start the...
Can Twins Cause a False Negative Pregnancy Test?Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minExperiencing nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, and an expanding belly, but your pregnancy test is negative? The chances of it being wrong are less than...
How Soon After Having Loose Bowels Did You Go Into Labor?Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minOne of the most common old wives’ tales is that diarrhea or loose bowels are a sign that birth is imminent. But is it...