What Does It Mean When Your Baby Scratches His Head While Nursing?Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minIs your little one emerging from every feed looking like they’ve been playing with an angry kitten? Without a daily manicure, every baby will...
Can Babies Die From Crying Too Long?Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minCrying is a normal, healthy way for your baby to tell you they need something. This means that in the first few months, you...
Newborn Leg Shaking: Should You be Concerned? (it depends)Posted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago4 minJitters, shivers, and shakes in newborns are very common, and they will freak out the majority of parents at some point. They’re usually just...
How to Baby Proof a FireplacePosted byby Laura Davies 2 years ago5 minEvery year, around 8,000 children in the U.S. suffer from fireplace-related injuries. The most dangerous part of your fire is your hearth, which is...
When do Babies grow Eyebrows and Eyelashes?Posted byby Emily 2 years ago4 minMany parents are surprised to find their baby has a distinct lack of eyebrows and eyelashes at birth, but this occurrence only lasts for...
A Mom’s Fear: Why doesn’t my Baby love me?Posted byby Emily 3 years ago4 minFor many women, having a baby is a thrilling experience. But many new mothers experience an emotion that is not so cheerful. Those moms...
Are space heaters safe for your baby’s room?Posted byby Emily 3 years ago5 minAs any good parent, you want to keep your baby safe and warm in Winter and might consider using a space heater. Unfortunately, Space Heaters...
15 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for BabiesPosted byby Erin McIntyre 7 years ago4 minIs your baby starting to eat solid foods? When your pediatrician says that your baby is ready (generally around six months), you can begin...